Virtual assistance has been around since the early 2000s. However, the past three years have seen an explosive growth in the industry. No longer is it regulated to the small business owner using a VA; there are now larger companies utilizing the services of a virtual executive assistant. Along with this comes the question, “How do I work with a virtual assistant?” Below are some ways to help you determine how to best work with a virtual assistant.
Determine what to delegate.
You may think that the first step is to find a virtual assistant; however, it’s important to know what you want them to help you with before seeking the assistant. As you’re speaking with prospective assistants, you will need to know whether or not they provide the service(s) you need. This part is hard to determine for a lot of people. If you’re finding it challenging to decide what to delegate, you can do a simple exercise to help you. For one week, note everything you do in your office daily, review the list at the end of the week and circle the items you know someone else can do for you.
Find the right assistant.
It’s important to find the right fit in order to have a successful working relationship. There are a few ways to go about doing this; you can ask for referrals from colleagues or work with an agency to help you find the right assistant for you. Social media can also be a way to find your virtual executive assistant. Find someone who shares content about virtual assistance and follow them for a while to see if what they share resonates with you.
Develop a maintenance phase.
Once you’ve found your assistant, it’s important to have a plan for how you will work with them. Make sure that you delegate effectively by providing clear instructions and feedback and be willing to listen. Communication is also key in building and maintaining a solid working relationship.
Working with a virtual executive assistant can have its challenges like anything else. However, it can be done successfully, but it will take some time and effort, so you have to be willing to put in some work, especially up front. With time, attention, and communication, you can be on your way to building a solid working relationship with a virtual executive assistant.