If you’re considering working with a virtual executive assistant, you may have realized that there are many options, which can be overwhelming. You can work with an individual virtual assistant or an agency that provides virtual assistants. So, you may be wondering, should I work with a virtual assistant or with an agency? Below are some things to consider when making your decision.
How Do I Work with a Virtual Executive Assistant?
Virtual assistance has been around since the early 2000s. However, the past three years have seen an explosive growth in the industry. No longer is it regulated to the small business owner using a VA; there are now larger companies utilizing the services of a virtual executive assistant. Along with this comes the question, “How do I work with a virtual assistant?” Below are some ways to help you determine how to best work with a virtual assistant.
Do You Know The Value of Your Time?
Have you ever thought about what you’re paying yourself to work for yourself? Sounds crazy, right? But, you do cost yourself money. As a business owner, your time is of value. Do you know what your time is worth? Do you know your hourly rate? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, it’s important that you find the answers.
Are You Ready to Brain Dump?
Most of the clients who come to us know that they need support but usually aren’t sure where to begin. It’s important that you start with a plan that consists of what, how, and when you will delegate to your executive assistant.
The Struggle Is Real
Productivity is a hot topic. Everyone wants to become more productive. However, you can’t be more productive if you’re bogged down doing things that you’re not good at doing or don’t like to do.
Best Practices to Work with Your Virtual Team
The invention of the Internet brought many positive changes for small businesses. One of the positives that the Internet brought about was that it opened doors for small businesses to grow their teams with talent across the globe. Many companies now have remote team members working to help improve their bottom line. However, you must have a plan to ensure that your remote team model is successful. Below are a few practices to have in place to help your virtual team work in a collaborative manner.
How to Get The Most Impact from Working with a Virtual Assistant
Finding the right virtual assistant for your business can be intimidating, and if not done properly can have a negative effect on your business. Your virtual assistant should be an integral part of your team; therefore, you should invest the time to learn how to build a solid working relationship you’re your VA. Below are some key ways that you can work with your virtual assistant to foster a successful and profitable relationship.
A Good Virtual Assistant Should be Proactive
There are many qualities that a virtual assistant should have. One of the primary attributes is being proactive. An excellent virtual assistant should go the extra mile to try and make things easier for her clients. She shouldn’t always wait in the wings for the client to provide instruction on what to do or how to do things. Of course, a virtual assistant will need some initial direction of how to support the client. However, there are some things that the virtual assistant can do to work with the client proactively.
How to Delegate: Venue Research
If you’re a speaker, trainer or business coach and host your own workshops, seminars, retreats, etc., you know how time consuming and overwhelming it can be to plan these events. One of the main aspects is to find your venue. There is a lot involved in selecting the right location and if you’re busy running other aspects of your business, finding the time to research venues is just one other thing to add to your growing to do list. However, this task is something that you can most certainly delegate. If you’re unsure of how or what aspects of this task that you can delegate I’ve outlined them below.
Are You Afraid of a Virtual Assistant?
For some, the thought of working with a virtual assistant can be a bit frightening. You don’t know how you would work with someone that you can’t see. If you can’t see them, how will you be able to trust them? You may have even heard a few horror stories about virtual assistants. However, working with a virtual assistant isn’t as complicated as you may think. To relieve the fear and anxiety that you may have in working with a virtual assistant, let’s take a moment to address each of these questions.