Most entrepreneurs don’t know when the time is right to delegate. The reason being is that people want to make sure that when they do it, they have enough to hand off to someone. They don’t want to start the process of delegating and then not be able to keep the person busy. So, I’m often asked, “How do I know when it’s time for me to delegate?” The answer is simple when you reach the point where you have more goals, tasks, and projects that aren’t getting done because you don’t have time to do them. For example, if you find yourself thinking, “If I could just do more research, I could build my prospect list and increase my revenue.” “I would love to create additional services or products for my business, but I just don’t have the time.” When you find yourself thinking and saying that you don’t have time for important things in your business, that’s when you’ve reached that pinnacle point, and it’s definitely time to delegate.
Make a conscious effort to jot those thoughts down as they occur to you; this will help you build a list. You can then use the list to justify to yourself that you do have things that you can delegate, and it will also help you organize and determine things you can hand off or that only can be done by you.