Staying organized while you’re working is very important. Disorganization doesn’t lead to productivity and being productive in your business is paramount to growing it. There’s a lot of stuff out there about how to be more productive. One simple thing that I have found that’s helpful is to create a to-do list.
A list helps to organize your thoughts. Keeping everything in your head can lead to things slipping through the cracks because you forget about them. So, as soon as you think of something add it to your list.
Keep a master list. When something pops into your head, immediately add it to your master list. You’ll review this list frequently to pick things to move to your daily list.
Try and keep your daily list short and manageable. It can be defeating when you don’t accomplish everything on your list. Try and think of the top three things that you want to get done for the day.
Remember to start with the quick items on your list first. This can be motivating as you will be able to check things off quickly.
Lastly, make sure that your list is easily accessible. One way to do this is to use an electronic list. There are many to choose from; however, no matter what you use, be consistent about using it in order to see an improvement in your productivity.