Have you ever mistakenly sent a document to someone and missed updating a specific area of it, and the recipient received it with someone else’s information? This can be embarrassing and not to mention unprofessional. A good way to prevent something like this from happening is to create form fields, and there are a few benefits to doing this.
Are You the Owner or an Employee?
Do you ever stop to think about how you’re spending your time in your business each day? It’s important to spend your time wisely in order to see real growth and results. You should strive to make sure that you’re the owner and not an employee of your company. An owner is going to work on the business and not just in it.
How Much Is Unnecessary Email Costing You?
Email is essential for most of us. It’s how we send and receive important communications to our team, colleagues, and clients. However, it can also be a huge hindrance to our productivity. Even so, we need it to operate in the business world. With that said, we have to spend time on the necessary emails, but we usually also receive a lot of unnecessary emails that we don’t need, and you can spend hours going through your inbox determining which is which.
How to Use Templates to Save Time
Saving time is paramount when running your company. You should automate as much as you can to help you accomplish things that you do on a regular basis. All documents, emails, presentation slides, etc. can have templates made for ease of updating. There are a few benefits to utilizing templates.
The Secret to Getting More Done
Staying organized while you’re working is very important. Disorganization doesn’t lead to productivity and being productive in your business is paramount to growing it. There’s a lot of stuff out there about how to be more productive. One simple thing that I have found that’s helpful is to create a to-do list.
Do You Know The Value of Your Time?
Have you ever thought about what you’re paying yourself to work for yourself? Sounds crazy, right? But, you do cost yourself money. As a business owner, your time is of value. Do you know what your time is worth? Do you know your hourly rate? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, it’s important that you find the answers.
Top Reasons Why You Should Document Your Processes
Are you scrambling each time you need to onboard a new team member? Do you find it challenging and time-consuming to get them up to speed on their newly assigned tasks and projects? If so, you should strongly consider having written procedures to help alleviate your onboarding challenge. Documenting your procedures can help improve your business in a number of ways:
How to Use Time Blocking to Boost Your Productivity
Time blocking is a great way to become more productive. Time blocking is when you block off a set amount of time on your calendar to do a specific task or project; it really works well if you discipline yourself to do it.
Are You Planning to Fail?
I talk with a lot of business owners who aren’t the greatest when it comes to delegating. They want to delegate more because they know that they need help. They’re drowning in administrative overwhelm and working 16 to 18-hour days. They’re feeling the pain and really need help, but they don’t know how someone can help them. Most business owners usually know of a few things that they can delegate to someone else, but they also overlook a lot of areas where they could use some assistance.
The Struggle Is Real
Productivity is a hot topic. Everyone wants to become more productive. However, you can’t be more productive if you’re bogged down doing things that you’re not good at doing or don’t like to do.