It’s important to schedule a time to get away for a couple of days to focus on your business. But, what about taking time on a daily basis to carve out thinking time? Sometimes your day can get so hectic that you don’t have time to stop and think about anything. Can you relate to this?
As a CEO or entrepreneur, you have to make decisions on a daily basis, and sometimes very quickly. It can be difficult to make decisions when you can’t focus on the issue at hand. One thing that you can do to help create thinking space is to schedule it. Block out 30 minutes on your calendar each day as “thinking time” or “mindfulness.” Here are three things to keep in mind to ensure that you get the most impact out of this exercise.
Choose a time of day when you’re most energized.
If you’re a morning person, block out time in the morning, or if you’re at your best in the afternoons, block time during this time frame.
Plan ahead for maximum productivity.
Know in advance what areas of focus or topics you would like to concentrate on, so jot those items down and be sure to add them to the calendar block.
Be sure to eliminate distractions.
You don’t want to be interrupted, so turn off all electronic devices during this time as well.
Blocking out time to think strategically about your business will help to ensure that you continue to move forward and increase your business’s bottom line.